
From Bioblast

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Authors = Gnaiger Erich, Mendez Gabriela, Hand Steven C
Title = High phosphorylation efficiency and depression of uncoupled respiration in mitochondria under hypoxia
Year = 2000
Journal title = Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (follow PubMed, without trailing dot)
Volume: Pages = 97:11080-5
Pagename (generated automatically) = Gnaiger 2000 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A

Detailed guidelines

Reference: Should have the following format: Surname A Firstname A, Surname B Firstname B, Surname C Firstname C (Year) Reference title. Journal title appreciated Volume number:First page-Last page(shortened).
Link: Please provide a weblink of interest here, preferably a link to PubMed.
Authors: Authors separated by comma, no "and" or "&". Umlauts or accented letters should be written as: Γ€=ae, ΓΆ=oe, ΓΌ=ue, Γ©=e; Γ’=a; Γ¦=ae, Γ₯=aa, ΓΈ=oe.
Year: Year of event (e.g. 2016).
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Abstract: Insert the abstract, except in case of any conflict with copyrights. Special characters (e.g. Β΅, Β°) might not be transfered correctly when copy-pasting - thus check for errors and correct them. References in the text are given by numbers in brackets [1]. Up to 250 words, max. 400 words (if more, please copy/paste into "Free text" box.
Keywords: Enter a meaningful list of keywords.
O2k-Network: For publications from an O2k-Network laboratory - please type in the UserCode (e.g AT_Innsbruck_Gnaiger E). If you do not remember it, check here for a list - Category:O2k-Network Lab
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