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From Bioblast

Mitochondria - History 1929

β€’Crabtree HG (1929)

Crabtree effect @Bioblast

Introduction: 'Warburg has suggested several generalisations, showing characteristic relationships between the magnitudes of the respiration and the aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis. The constant result which emerged was the abnormally high value of the anaerobic glycolysis as compared with the respiration. Assuming that the oxygen utilised was functioning at its maximum efficiency in causing the removal or non-formation of lactic acid under aerobic conditions, the respiration was found inadequate to check the glycolysis completely, a relatively large excess fermentation remaining. ...'

Summary: 'The general result of these observations is to emphasise the difficulty of including the wide variations found in the carbohydrate metabolism of tumour tissue in one generalisation. The constant factor is the possession of a high aerobic glycolysis, which, though not specific for tumour tissue, is a source of energy available for uncontrolled proliferation.'

Crabtree HG (1929) Observations on the carbohydrate metabolism of tumours. Biochem J 23: 536–545. - @Bioblast

β€’Keilin D (1929)

The respiratory system

β€˜..the O2 uptake of intact cells represents the global result of the activity of several respiratory systems’

Cellular respiratory control

'The activity of this system depends therefore on a certain tension of oxygen, on the activity of oxidase, on the presence and distribution of suitable carriers (cytochrome and possibly other as yet unknown substances), on the activity of dehydrases, and on the presence of suitable molecules (metabolites) for activation. It is easy now to conceive conditions under which any one of these constituents may become a limiting factor in the respiratory process.'

Residual oxygen consumption, ROX

β€˜KCN, H2S and CO combine with some of the components of oxidase forming an inactive compound, with the result that cytochrome, or at least its components a’ and c’, as well as paraphenylenediamine added to the cells, are not oxidised. The respiratory process can be still carried out through the medium of some autoxidisable carriers such as haemochromogens, haematins, the component b’ of cytochrome, or some as yet unknown autoxidisable substances. This residual respiration, according to the nature of the cell, may represent a larger or smaller fraction of the total respiration of the cell.’

Keilin D (1929) Cytochrome and respiratory enzymes. Proc R Soc London Ser B 104: 206-252.


'In the purified form the mitochondria appeared as spherical bodies, the majority of them varying in size approximately from 0.6 to 1.3 Β΅m in diameter.

The nature of mitochondria as morphological units is discussed. Present evidence indicates that mitochondria constitute definite physical entities which can persist in the absence of the cytoplasm.'

Claude A, Fullam EF (1945) An electron microscope study of isolated mitochondria: method and preliminary results. J Exp Med 81: 51-62.


'On the basis of cytological observations and additional chemical data, it is concluded that mitochondria contain all of the succino%idase present in the cytoplasm of the liver cell and probably all of the succinoxidase present in the entire cell. It is further estimated that 34 per cent of the total nitrogen and 19 per cent of the pentosenucleic acid (PNA) of whole liver can be accounted for in mitochondria. The succinoxidase & 02 (microliters of 02 per hour per mg. of nitrogen) and the ratio, micrograms of PNA phosphorus to mg. of nitrogen, are approximately 2100 and 13, respectively, for mitochondria.'

..'It is probable that the liver mitochondrion possesses many other enzymatic functions, including the oxidation of n-amino acids (19) and the dephosphorylation of adenosine triphosphate (2). It is certainly evident that much further work remains to be done before a complete picture of the biochemical nature of the mitochondrion will be established.'



Akazawa T, Beevers H (1957) Mitochondria in the endosperm of the germinating castor bean: a developmental study. Biochem J 67: 115–118.

Aldridge WN (1957) Liver and brain mitochondria. Biochem J 67: 423-431.

1.A medium based upon the composition of the intracellular fluid ofliver and brain has been devised for use in the study of mitochondria. 2.The rate of oxidation of various substrates is low, but may be increased three- to four-fold for liver and two- to three-fold for brain mitochondria by the addition of hexokinase and glucose, potato apyrase or 2:4-dinitrophenol. 3.In the study of oxidative phosphorylation with hexokinase and glucose as trapping agents, the esterification of inorganic phosphate is linear at 370 until more than 90% has been removed. 4.Liver mitochondria are stable during oxidation of pyruvate for at least 3 hr. 5.The rate of oxidation of pyruvate by brain mitochondria decreases after 50-60 min. The addition of a variety of coenzymes does not influence this loss of activity.

Baltscheffsky H (1957) Mitochondrial respiratory control and phosphorylative activities in a magnesium-free medium. Biochim Biophys Acta 25: 382-388. PMID: 13471578.

Chance B (1957) Cellular oxygen requirements. Fed Proc 16: 671-680.

Myers DK, Slater EC (1957) The enzymic hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate by liver mitochondria. 2. Effect of inhibitors and added cofactors. Biochem J 67: 572–579.


'The convenience and simplicity of the polarographic 'oxygen electrode' technique for measuring rapid changes in the rate of oxygen utilization by cellular and subcellular systems is now leading to its more general application in many laboratories. The types and design of oxygen electrodes vary, depending on the invetigator's ingenuity and specific requirements of the system under investigation.'

Estabrook RW (1967) Mitochondrial respiratory control and the polarographic measurement of ADP:O ratios. Methods Enzymol 10: 41-47.

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